Word is, what has incensed some JLP Members, and supporters, was not a word of DJ Buju Banton’s attendance at the massive PNP Conference, last month, but the word that he made a hefty donation to the PNP campaign fund. Those complaining are not even sure if and how much the supposed Donation was, but some put it as between 1 and a whopping 10 million dollars. And this has left many hopping mad.
According to one source, The Party’s Culture Minister has now been tasked with securing a matching donation for the Party’s Conference, expected in November, as well as some “Big-name” artists, so as not to appear as if the JLP is lagging in popular appeal within the ranks of the Dancehall Massive.
Wait for it…
Musical Chairs, In Time For The Next General Elections:
Seems like the latest Don Anderson Polls, have set off alarm bells in the JLP, as according to well-placed sources, many seats and candidates thought previously settled, are now being upended, as the Party tries to consolidate its hold on some seats, and redouble its efforts to maintain some it picked up in the 2020 General Elections.
Accordingly, The Current MP for Central Kingston, Donovan Williams; Might be shifted to Contest the Seat Now being Held By Mike Henry, As it being said his handpicked successor, Joel Williams is not cutting it. Senator Samuda, will be Going to St. Ann, to replace one-term Incumbent Marsha Smith and they are looking for a replacement for Krystal Lee; The Charles Lady is said to be looking rather shaky in Easter St. Thomas, so the search is on for her replacement. The Central Executive not sure who to field in the seat vacated by Mrs. Dalrymple-Phillibert; Everald Warmington might stay on until he approves of his successor as it is said the current Speaker of the House is feeling the Heat in East Rural St Andrew and is looking a safer seat, but word is Tovar Hamilton is also looking to leave Nothern Trelawny for a more comfy seat; George Wright Is said to be considered a Late-Non-Starter; and the worry is on for The seat currently being represented By Audley Shaw; Robert Chin in Southern Manchester and Phillip Henriques, in North West Clarendon, are both under the Party’s microscopic lens.
And the internal strife is not making it easy for Candidates and Prospective candidates, to find their footing, So, the word is, for what is left of the once formidable JLP social-media army, Don Anderson Polls, is not the Problem. The JLP is now its worst enemy and the cause of its own impending political demise.
The Stockbroking Company, That Keeps On Giving:
Insiders are saying the unfolding saga now playing itself out in the Media, attended by threats of Lawsuit, seems to have knocked the SSL and defrauding of Bolt and Countless others of Millions of US Dollars, off the front of the Financial pages and out of the news cycle, as the Barita Drama, is the latest hit, in town.
Opinions seem divided as to if and who committed fraud, but one thing seems sure, whilst those looking in from the outside appear somewhat unsure, that cannot be said of the Primary Victim in this unpleasant business, Mrs. Humphries Lewin, as despite her diagnosis with Dementia, she seems clear that she was wronged, by those who now protest their innocence.
And this is not new, as Last year when she was awarded the CD in 2022, for her work and Contribution to nation-building and her sterling service as the First Woman to Chair The Stock Exchange, invitations were being sent out for the celebratory Lunch to mark the occasion on Heroes Day, Mrs. Humphries-Lewin was copasetic enough to insist that the Cornerstone Principals, were not to be invited to defile her home with their presence. And so, the writing was on the wall, from back then, that as far as she was concerned, something was not sitting well with her about the developments that led to her interests losing control of her prized Barita Investments.
And as if those around did not get her intended message, she did not mince her words or coach her denouncement in sophistry either, as she clearly was of the opinion that she was made a patsy, by those she once trusted, and so she would not be playing nice with those she thought had wronged her and used her friendship to enrich themselves at the Estate’s expense…
With so many competing versions as to what truly transpired, some are asking why is the Fraud Squad, so silent, and what the Minister of Finance is waiting on, to ask for Foreign assistance in executing a thorough forensic Audit, to get to the truth, as the continuing back and forth, accompanied by threats of lawsuits and counter suits, is not a confidence builder in a sector of the society still staggering from numerous reports and allegations of Fraud in high places…
Dead Lef, Worries, Again…
Then word is, the Executor, is having a juice of a time, locating and accessing the property, as stipulated in the will, to be mutually divided for the Children of the deceased. The story is that one beneficiary is determined to frustrate the process and keeps throwing a monkey’s wrench into the works, whenever access is required to catalogue and inventorize property, that is to be divided…
Word is frustration is mounting and the other beneficiaries are losing their patience with what one described as the avarice if this one player…There’s now talk of seeking the interference of the Courts to secure a binding ruling to halt the pussyfooting…
That Heroes Circle Video:
Whilst many have taken to Social media to blast the Crab Vendor who was caught on film publicly defecating whilst interacting with Customers at her Heroes Circle Crab stall, Many are pointing to the absence of Public convenience in many Public Spaces, across the Nation’s capital and across the island. One Commentator points out that most Shopping Malls, along the Shopping district along Constant Spring Road, and in the Manor Park Area, which host hundreds of shoppers daily, have no sanitary Conveniences for shoppers. And this is particularly irksome in Constant Spring, (Manor Park), where the Government demolished the Market and its conveniences, created a bus Park of sorts in the Center of the busy shopping area, and did so, without as much as a public washstand where people could wash their hands, after relieving themselves, on the banks of the nearby Gully running through the Center of the Shopping and business enclave.
Some are asking that the Health Department, step in to make sure that these malls and more public spaces are retrofitted to make way for public sanitary spaces…