Home Essentials (Must Have).

Back in my parent’s day. And their parent’s days, a home was not considered complete, unless it had a First Aid Kit, occupying Pride of place, in the Kitchin, and or in a Master bathroom, with strict instructions as to how it should be disturbed, if at all…

But that was then, Since then, we have evolved, and are more cognizant of our own frailties, requirements, and awareness. Spurred by contemporary realities, and not old-wives tales and or the hand-me-down ignorance perpetuated by generational indifference and acceptance of the inherited status quo, instead of questioning, that which was accepted,  in pursuit of knowledge…

For the record: we are aware that the one-size fits all prognosis is not a solution but the harbinger of more problems. We do, however, share the view, that sharing that which we know, makes for a better community.

In this vein, we have compiled a list of what we consider ‘Must Haves’, essentials, for the home. As these Must haves are the” stitch-in-time, that will save nine”…


Our  Must Haves:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Is a Must, comes in handy as an antiseptic,

Wound-cleanser, and can retard swellings from insect bites. I I get a wound in the kitchen or elsewhere in the home, I reach for Hydrogen peroxide, which is funny, because, during my childhood years, I Came to associate Hydrogen peroxide with older ladies, colouring their hair.

  • Benadryl: (Antihistamine). Never ever thought of Benadryl as a serious necessity in the home until some years ago, I was on the North Coast with the family, and we were invited to lunch, Brunch really, by a dear friend. We all attended his house on an upscale beach-front property and we were quite happy just being there until we were invited to sit for Brunch. Now, this was a classy affair, (The Host’s Standards). And had the makings of a fabulous Do, until my Nephew(visiting from New Jersey). Decided to try, the Lobster. (Let me say Lunch was a fabulous offering of Garden Salad, Roasted Sweet-Potato; A Fruit Salad, With a Choice of Lobster, Sirloin, and or Escovietched Salmon.

Now, this is where I Must add, that I too had tried the lobster,(Before my Nephew) And Still had a tail on my lunch plate; (My tendency is to eat one course at a time) instead of packing a mound of food on my plate at any one time as if I am perpetually accompanied by hunger, and so, had to stuff myself, because I had no idea, where my next meal would be coming from…

Anyway, having tried the Lobster earlier and finding it unpleasant, to the taste (Squiggly and Rubbery) I offered to trade the remaining tail for a sirloin, (rather than throwing it out. But no one else voiced any discomfiture, I felt somewhat out on a Limb, So Having done this at the dining table when the host  responded as if he was trying to school me in the ‘Art of Lobster Consumption’,   I advised him, that for my taste, and palate, the Lobster was somewhat “Too Smooth” suggesting some kind of degradation due to staleness. 

Nonsense! I was Told. I was just looking for a fight, to spoil a beautiful afternoon.

Well, suffice it to say, I kibbered Mi Mouth, And all was going well until when, my visiting Nephew decided on trying the ‘Lobster tails in Garlic sauce, topped with mushrooms’. And just like that, A few seconds Later, my Nephew a genetic Negro, started swelling up to the point of displaying the Chinese Features of Slanted eyes; and flared constrained nostrils, But when he started wheezing, and complaining of having problems breathing…it became an entirely different kettle of fish.

As Hell, broke loose… as it suddenly dawned on all present, that we were in the throes of a medical emergency., as my dear nephew, was on the verge of being asphyxiated by his swollen throat, and so, someone who was in the moment, called a Medical Doctor, Who listened and then gave quiet but firm instructions, To Wit: Get him some Antihistamine. Which only confused the lot of us until the goodly Doctor broke it down by saying get him some Benadryl. 

Miraculously, a bottle was in the house, and so a few tablespoons were administered, and joyously he started showing signs of recovery, almost immediately, and is still with us, to this day!

Trust me on the Benadryl, It’s A Lifesaver!

  • Kerosine Lamp/Candles. The more technology we use at home, the more we tend to forget the basics. What is clear, however, is that it doesn’t seem to matter how advanced we are, Electrical Outages (Power-Cuts) are here to stay. So, the good old fashion home-Sweet-Home, and or the Kitchin-Bitch, are high on our must-have list. As are: Flashlights; Back up Batteries.Candles, Matches, or Lighters, and a Coal Stove

  • Vaseline: Traditionally used in the combing of Hair, Vaseline is an all-purpose item, whose many uses could be the subject of an entire book. But its good as a moisturizer; as a salve, applied to burns; can be applied to the Lips instead of chap-stick; helps protect against chafing; and rural folks still apply Vaseline around the eyes of their young, when they are suffering from the Flu and or the Common Cold. And it’s a general lubricant.

  • A Herb Garden: A herb garden is a must. Apart from the comfort of having your freshly picked herbs and spices. It’s quite therapeutic. And it provides lazy exercise, for the home gardener, who might not otherwise be actively exercising.

  • WD40; Very good for stubborn nuts, Screws, and Bolts; creaky doors, cabinet doors, cupboards, and lug tools, and helps to eliminate rust.

  • Rubbing Alcohol: This is another all-purpose item that is invaluable to keep. Back in the Day My Mother, Kept a bottle of White rum, that was her all-purpose medicine chest, as she would buy a quart of overproof white rum, and add her special herbs, spices, and whatever, else she deemed necessary. But Mature Cannabis, Mature Pimento, A few Slices of Ginger, and sometimes even a pinch of cinnamon, were included. Now this was the go-to bottle for the onset of the Flu, Cold, breathing complications, and assorted aches and pains. This bottle was for drinking. There was another, however, for rubbing, and this was at my grandmother’s house, and it contained a small snake plus most of the other ingredients my Mother used.

  • First Aid Kit: The old-fashioned First Aid Kit, is still a necessity, and apart from the traditional mini-pharmacy, that it once represented, (Ours had a needle and Thread Kit, which still confuses me). Add some Malox, Andrews, Pain-killers; antihistamine; Bengay Balm; etc.

  • A Sewing Kit: Many consider this a relic of the past, but a sewing kit is quite handy. Especially for unexpected ruptures and fraying edges in an item of clothing, and or any other Cloth item of import that you are not ready to throw ou!

  • A Tool Kit: A tool kit is an absolute necessity, whether you live in a family unit, a single bachelorette, or a bachelor. It should contain, a selection of Screwdrivers, Wrenches, Hammers, A File, A Tape Measure;  Pliers. A Small Saw.; a Chisel; Adhesive (Tangit);

  • Champagne: There’s, always something to celebrate, so Champagne is a must! It’s A Birthday, Pop-a-bottle, In fact, pop a few! Had a hard day at the office, Pop-a-bottle; A friend got a promotion The kid passed his examination, Pop-a-bottle! It is important to note, one does not need an “Occassion” To-Pop-A-Bottle. Being alive is enough…So Champagne is a must…No Champagne, Prosecco will do just as well. Celebrate your Journey! Celebrate Your Life, Celebrate your family, friends, And Relatives, and their achievements…Just Pop-a-Bottle!!!


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