Just Imagine, supposedly well-thinking Jamaicans forking out big-bucks, to see the woman-beating Chris Browne, perform. Some are asking how and why he was given a work permit to perform in Jamaica, in the first place…
A Ministerial Sweetheart Deal
Then there’s lots of talk around town about the suspicious business deal supposedly executed between the Minister and her supposed Companion, which saw the Minister’s companion netting close to a Hundred-Million Dollars.
The problem, the auditors and commentators are having, is that they cannot identify, any assets of the company, that would justify such a spend. No problem, says the vendor, the real asset is “Goodwill”.
Just imagine that: A Hundred Million Dollars, worth of goodwill on the books. According to one source close to the transaction: ‘The Auditor General and the tax-payers, are just going to love this”.
Go Paula Go:
Some in the legal fraternity are expressing the hope that ‘embattled’ DPP Paula Llewellyn, will simply go on extended leave and not return to the office, as her return would only further compromise the office of the DPP, as her record as DPP, was nothing to write home about, and with her senior Deputy, enumerating the ills associated with her extension, her clinging on, would be a sign of desperation as she is fatally wounded and her every move would be second-guessed by the public and legal fraternity. And this, legal minds fear, would end up doing irreparable harm to the credibility, of the office of the DPP.
The Prime Minister Nose:
Allegations are the Prime Minister is being a Major Hypocrite when he says he does not know who the 6-Members of his Government are, who are being investigated by the Integrity Commission for Illicitly Enriching themselves. They say, it’s a case of none son blind, as those who refuse to see, as at least two of his MPs have already admitted to being subjects of the IC investigations; and if he does not know about his own status, then he should telephone his wife and ask her…
Who Will Protect The Security Guards
Concerns are being raised about the impunity with which well-armed thugs, seem able to attack and rob, those, supposedly tasked with providing private security to the public to protect lives, property, and the assets, of those who can afford to retain them. Word is the most recent attack and robbery in Mandeville, which has unleashed panic in the society, with concern rising, that the often talked about creeping Hatianization (Lawlessness) of Jamaica, is fast becoming a trek. A point that has even the very rich and fortified, worrying about their own security and safety.
Jamaican MPs With Lavish Homes Abroad
Regional pundits are saying a number of currently serving members of this Government, have been busy shopping around for a ‘soft-landing’, as they look around trying to identify options to exit the political arena, in anticipation of the government’s defeat, at the polls. Some are even suggesting that the Integrity Commission needs to widen its Investigations into our Politicians as there are reports surfacing of our politicians owning expensive properties such as high-end villas yachts and motor vehicles, in other Caribbean territories. What they say, would surprise you, is the Names of those property holders…
Green Army Members Deserting:
Word is: Some former Paid JLP Bloggers, who populated the Social Media space, as the Green Army, have been defecting from the JLP, as they are not pleased with the Royal attitude being affected by the Prime Minister and his wife…It is being reported that some take issue with words reportedly spoken by the Prime Minister to members of his Party, at a meeting in Downtown Kingston, A few weeks ago in which the Prime Minister reportedly accused Some Labourites have wanting him to lose the next election, fighting him, and plotting for him to lose, but said he will not lose and those who are planning to see him lose will get their comeuppance, when he returns to power, as he will deal with them then. But until then, those who did not like his leadership, can leave the Party and move on…