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Ackee Sauce!

Ackee Sauce!

Some Political insiders are raising concerns about the recent sabotage of Flow and Digicel Networks, some positing that it was...

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Editor’s Note

We use this medium, to acknowledge receipt of a note from former US Ambassador To Jamaica, His Excellency, Donald Tapia, In which he asserts that in relation to an article carried by Images and Profiles, two Issues ago, in which we stated the Former Ambassador was considered a member of the LGBTQ community, that he has never been a Member of the LGBTQ Community. 

We take this opportunity and use this medium, to state categorically, that we unreservedly accept the Former US Ambassador’s Assertions. 

We also note and acknowledge,  his expressed concerns for the wellbeing of the Jamaican Government. And would like to register our strong objections to his assertion that our reportage was an effort to “Embarrass the Government of Jamaica’”, as the facts as reported, speak for themselves. 


The Editorial Director.

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