A part of the beauty associated with acquiring and or moving into a new place is the extra thrill of decorating it.
Interestingly, this aspect of the acquisition process and/or moving into a new place is often ignored or paid scant regard. Or there is the tendency to ‘Call-in’ the Decorators to do the Job.
The beauty of decorating one’s home, as against simply calling in the decorators, is that the homeowner gets to make the place into his/her own image, and not some so hackneyed version of themselves as seen thru the eyes of some arbitrary decorator.
To begin with, if you think that decorating is a task you have no interest in undertaking, then, please do not engage a total stranger to do it for you. Engage someone who is at least familiar with you and your current home and so will have an intimate idea of who you are, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. As all these elements need to be factored into the equation when it comes to decorating a home.
Emotional considerations include is the purchaser single, looking or settled. Or is the Mover/New Home-owner a first-time empty-Nester?
A proper understanding of all the above would provide a Canvas from which any experienced Decorator can prepare and provide a suitable home for the client. But as a decorator who has done several high-end homes, I always recommend that the Client has direct input, instead of leaving it all to the decorator. Especially when it comes to selecting Colours, Furniture; accessories, and particularly art. And Correspondingly, The Client should always take the decorator’s advice into consideration, having hired the Decorator.’
I once walked away from a multi-million dollar Job, due to the stubbornness of a client, who despite paying the motivational fee and retainer, insisted that I go along with his choices for his new Apartment – Knowing fully well, that if I acquiesced and went along with his plan, his choices would have done way more harm to my reputation, than my walking away.
Imagined being hired to act as a consulting decorator for an elected official. And being asked to go along for purchases to decorate the new place, And realizing with each stop you make, your client is making all the purchases, and not taking any suggestions from you. And as if that was not bad enough, you realize that all the purchase for the new place had a freshly minted look to them. And we are not just talking about the appliances and entertainment pieces, either. As even the “Antique” pieces, were sporting that freshly glazed look.
One of the unwritten protocols of decorating is the fact that Upon completion, a freshly decorated home should never look “Brand New”, in that, the Decor choices should include, something old, something new, something borrowed, and something, ‘stolen’. And Should reflect periods, not just current trends, however compelling the argument to go with “Trends”.
Speaking of trends, avoid the Glass and Chrome look; one oversized couch is enough, especially if it can serve as a pull-out. Plastic anything is a no-no. Especially “Plastic Flowers’or ‘Plastic-plants’. The so-called ‘silk flowers are equally distasteful and anathema to good taste. And Ikea furniture is for starter homes, not settled homes. And resist the urge, however strong, to use throw shag rugs either on your floor or as decorative ends for sofas, beds and or bunks.
Now, when it comes to choosing colours for your walls, this is a matter of great import and should be approached with the utmost care, after careful consideration, as the colours you choose, you will have to live with(At least For a while until you change them). So, in selecting colours, go for mood enhancers or confidence builders. Recently three difficult colours have made a comeback with a vengeance, These are Red, Purple and Black.
I said three difficult colours, but the degree of difficulty encountered will be based on where these colours are placed. Frankly, one just can’t imagine Purple as a Colour on or in any decent home, either on walls or as drapes. In fact it’s even too strong for the vaults or graves that have been so decorated in cemeteries, But then again this is Jamaica, and sometimes the more garish the colour, the ‘brighter’ its appeal. Because trending across the Island, Is Bright Garish Yellow/borderline orange, as a colour of choice, for outdoor walls. Go figure?
Now Red, on kitchen walls or a relief wall in a living room, could add spirit and or flavour to an otherwise drab home. And whilst Black is finding favour, with some millennials, particularly as the preferred shade for the bedroom. It could stifle creativity and act as a depressant. If not moderated creatively. So, if you go for Black bedroom walls, then white or off-white drapes could temper the doom and gloom mood. Black and Red is just too 70’s discoesque with echoes of the burlesque and so should be avoided.
If you are hoping for a bold look, try a colour like Mango; Paw-Paw, or even peach, But avoid the do-do-brown that’s now all the rage. And the gravestone grey, is really too morose, morbid even, and so lacking in personality, it adds nothing to your space but a sense of trepidation and or uncertainty.
Avoid oversized jars, as centrepieces; Faux Lions made out of Alabaster, concrete and or plaster, is just too gauche for words. And are rightly associated with bhuttocrats. So go for moderation in your selections and remember cultural appropriateness. If you are Consulting on a project with an Arab Client, then do not recommend Chines, Indian or African Themes. Accent Pieces Maybe, but an Arabesque theme, would be way more appropriate. The same is true if decorating for a Black client. Before you begin with recommendations, it’s best if you ascertain if you are dealing with a Culturally “Woke’ Black who might enjoy and revel in an African and or Pan-Africanist theme. Or A Black who has consumed the Kool-aid and all the intellectual luggage of Denial that has been so ingrained in black consciousness, he/she might find an African theme, Objectionable, and might even consider it reverse prejudice, as he/she might be more at home with Royal Doulton dinnerware as against some kiln-baked, handpainted plates from Ghana or Jamaica. And instead of some Miss Lou, Bob Marley Miriam Makeba, Alpha Blondie, or Angelique Kidjoe, might be more comfortable with what he/she thinks is ‘Classical Music’ such as some European folk music or strains of Chopan Schubert, Brahms, or Beethoven.
So, it’s best to get to know your client not only on a social level but on a cerebral level as well, to come up with the right fit. But the truth is, it’s best that the Owner/Client get in on the ground floor with the developers/architects, at the very outset, to help in designing windows, cupboards, bathrooms Closets and entertainment spaces, this way you get to avoid built-in structural nightmares, such as these box-windows they call bathroom windows, shower cubicles instead of stalls, truncated kitchens, dining spaces and living rooms.
Remember, start with a plan. As this backed by a theme, will be far more cost effective in the longrun. Avoid going for the cheap and cheerful as against settling on the more sturdy, and maybe a little more expensive items when decorating.
Which brings us to the most important factor in the planning to ensure smooth execution. Please Establish a Budget at the very beginning; and with that budget, also set timelines for completion and if you are the client, appoint a proxy agent to oversee and follow-thru. If existing items are to be repurposed acknowledge that and factor into Costs. And Finally, Make sure you engage the services of a Certified project manager. to avoid unnecessary stress due to improper record-keeping etc. Remembering at all times the primary reasons for this undertaking, is to maximise your creature comfort and sense of well being. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]