2018 X-Factor Winner Dalton Harris, Steps Out Of The Closet!

In a move that some have described as “Brave’, 2018 UK X-Factor Winner, Jamaican, Dalton Harris, has stepped out of the closet, with a post on his IG page, in which he declares, “Love has No Gender”, Harris is pictured on what appears to be a Farm, playing around on his phone, in what at first appears to be in Preparation for a Selfie, then, he shifts the phone from focussing on himself, to focus on a path over his right shoulder, where an Asiatic looking young man, emerges from what could be a barn.

With the camera still rolling, the young man walks over to Harris and plants several kisses on his cheek and neck, whilst Harris records all of this. They then exchange pleasantries, before both exchange warm lip-locking kisses, before walking off together, with Harris commenting, “You Doah normally Dress-up then following the young man to a motor vehicle, parked nearby, and Harris allows his recording to fade…
Whilst many have lauded Harris, for ‘Coming-out” and for being brave and honest, many others have been brutal in their homophobic vitriol.
But on average, it seems more commentators are in favour of Harris living his truth, with his ‘Love’ than continuing living an unfulfilled life.
Whilst the IG post surprised many, others took it in stride, as questions about Harris’s sexual preference first arose after he was filmed sitting on the lap of a male, whilst he was an active contestant during recording an episode of the X-Factor Contest.
Questions he partially answered in a post sometime after, in which he declared he was ‘Pansexual’.
We suppose the posting of the Clip of him being intimate with another man on his Instagram page, is designed by him to put paid to all the speculation, that has surrounded him, since his meteoric rise to international ‘Stardom’ after winning the X-Factor.
Whatever his reasons, We wish young Dalton Harris and his Love, all the very best!

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